64 Answers | 9 Agrees | 200 Thanks
A Glaucoma Australia Medical Expert Panel member comments: If your eye healthcare professional has looked at the back of the eyes and checked the visual field (flashing light test), they will have determined the level…
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Prosthetic eyes are widely available in Australia. There are also many options to reduce the pain and improve the appearance whilst keeping the eye, if that is preferable or if there is any sight left.
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If this refers to filamentary keratopathy then the short answer is probably yes. It is a multifactorial condition with dry eye and immune system activation components which often responds to steroids, lubricants and sometimes removal…
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The condition you have is called blepharitis - a very common chronic condition made worse by dry eye and low grade inflammation. Both are made worse by most glaucoma medications though newer, gentler formulations and…
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Normal tension glaucoma can be stable for many years on treatment, with IOP remaining basically unchanged but then may suddenly progress. It usually takes 2-3 visual field tests (typically 3) in a year to accurately…
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