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Eczema Association Of Australasia

Eczema Association Of Australasia

PO Box 1784 DC
Cleveland QLD 4163
The role of the Eczema Association of Australasia Inc (EAA) is to be a supportive body for eczema sufferers and carers, to increase public awareness of eczema, and ensure the improved treatment of sufferers and carers.

Every year the EAA runs an Awareness Week to help raise awareness of the condition for education and better understanding by the general public.

The EAA maintains links with medical professionals, natural therapists and pharmaceutical companies to ensure up-to-date information and produces a brochure Caring For Your Eczema.

Members receive product samples, information sheets and a quarterly newsletter A-Topic News.’ They also have the opportunity to participate in product trials.

Answers contributed by Eczema Association Of Australasia

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