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Diabetes Australia

Diabetes Australia

Level 1, 101 Northbourne Ave
Turner ACT 2601
Diabetes Australia is the national peak body for diabetes in Australia providing a single, powerful, collective voice for people living with diabetes, their families and carers. A non-profit organisation, Diabetes Australia works in partnership with diabetes consumer organisations, health professionals, educators and researchers to minimise the impact of diabetes in the Australian community. Diabetes Australia is committed to turning diabetes around through awareness, prevention, detection, management and the search for a cure.

Some of our key focus areas include:
• Lobbying and advocating in the interests of all people affected by diabetes
• Raising community awareness of diabetes
• Research into improved understanding and treatment of diabetes
• Administering the National Diabetes Services Scheme (NDSS)

Answers contributed by Diabetes Australia

19 Answers | 1 Agree | 35 Thanks
