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Chronic Pain Australia

Chronic Pain Australia

Macarthur House 8 Melville St
Parramatta 2150
Chronic Pain Australia incorporated in 2006 to become a strong voice for Australians experiencing chronic pain. Chronic Pain Australia was a lead organisation in developing the Australian National Pain Strategy, having partnered with the Faculty of Pain Medicine and the Australian Pain Society. Our Mission is to reduce the unnecessary suffering and isolation caused by chronic pain in the Australian community. Our Vision is that no Australian living with persistent pain should suffer alone or without access to resources and information which help them effectively manage their pain in a manner promoting dignity and self-respect, regardless of age, gender, culture, belief, socio-economic or compensation status.
Chronic Pain Australia is attempting to reduce the stigma surrounding the lived experience of pain.

The organisation is separately incorporated and managed by a Board of Directors. Board members contribute a range of expertise including business, legal, financial, clinical, and importantly we value members of the Board who live with chronic pain themselves. The organisation is further supported by consultants who work on sub-committees to the board and by an International Advisory Panel of expert academics, clinicians and consumer advocates.

National Pain Week will be held 22-28 July 2012. The aims of the event are:
1. To contribute to the de-stigmatisation of the experience of chronic pain;
2. To work towards creating healing relationships between the person in pain and their pain clinician/s; and
3. To reduce the isolation and suffering of people in pain.

Go to to register your interest in being a part of National Pain Week

Answers contributed by Chronic Pain Australia

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